Email kontakt@kolbjorn.se
Phone +46 73-310 48 30
All inquiries can be made via email and phone. I am also available on social media to varying extent:
Posts: Bluesky, Instagram, Mastodon
Newsletter: Substack
Videos: Youtube
I am an author, freelance journalist/editor, photographer and lecturer in Malmö, Sweden.
I am president of the southern section of the Swedish Publicists’ Association and a member of the Swedish Union of Journalists, the Swedish Association of Investigative Journalism, Swedish Writers’ Union and Författarcentrum.
I am available for journalist assignments in Skåne/Scania, Sweden and Sjælland/Zealand, Denmark – also known as the Öresund Region and Greater Copenhagen. The area includes cities like Malmö, Lund, Helsingborg, Ystad and Kristianstad in Sweden as well as København/Copenhagen, Helsingør/Elsinore and Roskilde in Denmark. I can write in Swedish and English and I am available for feature work as well as live reporting with audio/video when desired.
Born in 1977 in Umeå in the north of Sweden, I live in Malmö at the southwest corner of the country since 1997.
Author ISNI: 0000000444472237.
There is no English version of this website. You are welcome to browse the site in Swedish or through Google Translate and contact me with any questions you might have (see above).
Books by me
Ingen sa något om dig – “Nobody spoke about you” (2024) – a historical biography about 25-year-old Jewish refugee Bore Schajewitz, who vanished without a trace in 1922 and left nothing but a photo, a name card and his daughter behind. Verbal förlag.
Grindstaden – “The Gated City” (2022) – an examination of the trend towards increasingly locked up housing areas. Verbal förlag.
Kloaksajterna – “The Sewer Sites” (2019) – my debut novel! A dark comedy centering around people who run websites supportive of the right wing party Sverigedemokraterna (“The Sweden Democrats”). Verbal förlag.
Ordningsvakter – “Public Order Officers” (2017) – an examination of the unique Swedish system of privately employed semi-police officers that guard the public order in increasing numbers. Verbal förlag.
Grip till varje pris – “Catch At Any Cost” (2014/2019) and Förneka till varje pris – “Deny At Any Cost” (2014) – I reveal the true story of a security company that breaks laws and regulations in many ways in the hunt for graffiti vandals in Stockholm’s public transport. Verbal förlag.
Sätta färg på staden – “Colouring the City” (2010) – A book about street art and graffiti. Dokument Press.
Other published works
I have participated in three anthologies and made two documentary films.
I have been the editor of non-fiction books by other authors:
• Johan Jönssons’s Wikipedia inifrån – “Inside Wikipedia” (2022)
• Julia Lindblom’s Amazon : Bakom framgången – “Amazon : Behind the Success” (2021)
• Joakim Medin’s Thailandssvenskarna – “The Thailand Swedes” (2019)
• Pierre Gilly’s 1940 : Frankrikes fall – “1940 : The Fall of France” (2020)
2023: The Authors’ Copy Fund (grant)
2022: Swedish Authors’ Fund (three year working grant)
2021: Swedish Authors’ Fund (working grant)
2020: Natur & Kultur’s literary working grant
2020: Swedish Authors’ Fund (working grant)
2019: The Authors’ Copy Fund (grant)
2017: Swedish Authors’ Fund (working grant)
2015: The Authors’ Copy Fund (grant)
2011: Swedish Authors’ Fund (working grant)
2011: City of Malmö Culture Grant